
Saturday, September 28, 2013

More Animal Cards

By Vicky Nardone

About a month or so ago I posted this giraffe birthday card that I made for my friend Bryan's birthday.  I got into the animal theme so I made two more animal birthday cards for my friends' Chris and Katie's birthdays.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mod Podge Bench Makeover

By Vicky Nardone

I've had this project in mind for a while, but I finally got the chance to actually do it a couple of weekends ago.  My grandma passed away last April, and while we were cleaning out her garage, I came across this old wooden bench that had seen better days.  When I was younger, this bench used to sit on the front porch of the home that I grew up in.  When my mom bought a condo and ended up selling the house, she must have been planning to sell or throw out the bench and my grandmother rescued it and it sat in her garage for the pas 8 years.  She was a little bit of a pack rat and didn't like to see things get thrown out.  Anyway, with all the furniture make over and redo projects I've been seeing on my favorite blogs, I figured that I could do something to bring new life into this bench.  I'd been wanting to try my hand at some furniture decoration and this bench was totally free, so why not?